Tuesday April 5, 2016 - 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA
Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Andrew Harhay, Member
Call to Order:
Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of February 16, 2016
Motion 040516-1 Mr. Mandell to approve as written. 2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted.
Minutes of March 28, 2016, previously read by board members. Mr. Mandell noted an amendment to the minutes.
Motion 040516-2 Mr. Mandell, to accept the minutes of March 28th as amended. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted. Mr. Harhay – abstention.
Appointments to Address the Board:
Police Chief Haughey- Discussed updates on Police Department officers. Last Summer the town appointed 4 officers in June of 2015, Officers, Gigliotti, Ward, Kelly and Mayo.
Gigliotti resigned in September of 2015 to accept a full time position with Enfield CT PD.
Mayo resigned in March of 2016 to accept a full time position with Monson PD
Kelly promoted from Special Officer to Reserve Officer.
Chief Haughey presented the three successful applicants to be appointed to the Police Department, as new special officers for lake patrol as follows:
Michelle Turner:
Western MA R/I Academy graduate in May 2011
Public Safety Officer at Baypath University February 2016
EMT Palmer Ambulance Service since January 2005 working approximately 8 hrs per week
Reserve Officer Hampden Police Department for 2 years from February 2012 – February 2014
Ashley Jodoin:
Western MA R/I Academy graduate in September 2015
Communications Specialist / Dispatcher UMASS Memorial EMS October 2014
Firefighter/EMT New Braintree Fire Department since June 2013
EMT Vital EMS since January 2011
Christopher Bouchard:
Boylston MA R/I Academy graduate in June 2011
Public Safety Officer Harrington Memorial Hospital since August 2014
Auxiliary Police Officer Southbridge Police Department since August 2011
Motion 040516-3, Mr. Mandell, to appoint and welcome all three choices. Mr. Gillen 2nd. So voted.
Old Business
Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) – The HMP was accepted by FEMA. The final step to final approval is formal acceptance of HMP by the Select Board.
Motion 040516-4, Mr. Mandell to accept the Hazard Mitigation Plan as approved by FEMA. Mr. Harhay 2nd. So voted.
Brimfield Ambulance Service (BAS) – Brimfield Ambulance Service and the Town of Holland have agreed to language regarding a contract between BAS and the Town. There is a 2.5% increase in the cost of same.
Motion 040516-5, Mr. Mandell to approve and sign. Mr. Harhay 2nd. So voted.
Zoning Board of Appeals – Appointment
Motion 040516-6, Mr. Mandell to appoint Rick Lundin to the Zoning Board of Appeals for one year, ending June 30, 2017. Mr. Gillen 2nd. So voted.
New Business
Hamilton Reservoir Dam
McClure Engineering, Inc. submitted a professional service agreement for the State required biannual inspection of Hamilton Reservoir Dam.
Motion 040516-8 Mr. Mandell to sign the agreement between the Town and McClure Engineering, Inc. for the Hamilton Reservoir Dam inspection. Mr. Harhay 2nd. So voted.
Ms. Robbins to inquire if this includes checking the opening mechanism, if not what the cost to do so would be.
Fishing Tournaments
Motion 040516-9 Mr. Mandell to allow any Select Board member to sign fishing tournament requests that are routine. Mr. Gillen 2nd. So voted. Signed fishing tournament application for Northern Bass Alliance dated Saturday June 11th beginning at 6:00 AM.
Animal Inspector
Motion 040516-10 Mr. Mandell to recommend Jaime Howard as Animal Inspector for Holland. Mr. Gillen 2nd. So voted.
Legal Update
Legal Counsel
Current legal counsel - Bacon and Wilson
Mr. Mandell explained the Select Board would be looking at different options for the town. There has been some lag time getting responses, 3-4 week turn-around time with much prodding. Mr. Mandell listed the following reasons for reviewing options for other town counsel;
- having in house counsel will alleviate the need for “permission” to speak with counsel; available to all town employees for town matters.
- Outside counsel will be on an as need basis and may save money
Mr. Harhay provided comment that he viewed this as a search similar to what the Select Board did for an accounting firm; to look to see if another firm might offer the Town advantages. The Board may decide to change or stay with Bacon & Wilson.
Motion 040516-7 Mr. Mandell, to explore the possibility of hiring an in house counsel and doing an RFP from other firms. Mr. Gillen 2nd. Discussion on pros and cons of each option. So voted.
South Boat Ramp
Mr. Mandell explained that the Select Board has sought the opinion of town counsel in regarding to taking this parcel by eminent domain. Based on legal opinion, Mr. Mandell has reached the conclusion financial costs for these parcels are prohibitive and problematic because the parcel is a private right of way for multiple homes in the vicinity.
Motion 0401516-11 Mr. Mandell to conduct title searches on parcels listed by the Lake Oversight Committee as being possible options for a public boat ramp. Mr. Gillen, 2nd. Mr. Harhay stated it should be done systematically starting with the parcels with the highest probability. So voted.
General Law Chapter 258, § 13
The Select Board sought the opinion of town counsel as to the pros and cons of adopting G.L. c. 258, § 13. Based on the legal analysis, Mr. Mandell feels it would be in line with best practices to adopt. The analysis stated that this would not leave the Town liable for criminal activity, ethics violations, or civil rights violations. Mr. Mandell stated there will be a warrant question regarding the adoption of this statute.
Patrol boat for lake
The new boat has arrived. The boat will be outfitted with a lighting rack having emergency and search lights for the lake patrols and for search/rescue operations.
All Star Basketball game
PD vs. Holland All Stars game ticket donations of $400 for the Recreation Committee’s scholarship fund.
Holland Elementary School 5K
Saturday May 21, 2016 at 10AM
Signed the following warrants:
FY 16-40 $12,009.81
FY16-40P $18,504.39
FY16-41 $136,331.56
All proposed Warrant articles MUST be in to the Executive Secretary no later than April 21st for the upcoming annual town meeting.
Public Access
Mr. Michael Piatt-Mr. Piatt expressed concern over the litter within the township. Mr. Piatt would like to have the Select Board create a Senior Work Off position for litter
cleaning. The program does not currently contain such a position. Mr. Gillen stated this needs to be put in next year’s plan. The subject needs review as to implementation.
Motion 040516- Mr. Mandell to adjourn, Mr. Harhay 2nd, so voted.
Meeting Adjourned 8:00 PM.